By Riley Sager

Genre : Mystery + Horror

“She has the effortless grace of a ghost”

“But an outpouring of kindness like that can only last for too long. People must move on. They must.”

“As if my husband’s death was a creaive choice i’d made.”

“Vermont perfect. When the land and the water and sky conspire to take your breath away.” 76

“Do you always do that?”

“Do what?”

“Make a joke to avoid talking about your true feelings?”

“Only ninety percent of the time.” 79

“I know how denial works. You withold and withold until that mental dam breals and all those bad urges come spilling out, often causing harm in the process” 83.

“What is marriage but a series of mututal deceptions?” 90

“I wasn’t happy for a very long time. It just took hitting rock bottom for me to realize it.” 193

“No matter how much you look, something just beneath the surface will always remain hidden. I should know. I’ve been watching.”

“there’s no such thing as happily ever after. There’s only happy for a short period of time before everything falls apart.”

“Maybe I’m not looking for trouble. Maybe I am the trouble.”